Energy planning and project evaluation

Energy simulation of hydroelectric projects
- Power and energy studies, simulation of the operation of reservoirs and analysis of reservoir operating policies
Industrial energy evaluations and energy commercialization
- Analysis and advice on regulatory aspects of the electricity sector and energy market
- Evaluation and economic optimization of energy projects
- Evaluation of renewable energy projects with unconventional sources, solar, photovoltaic, wind and geothermal
- Studies and evaluation of self-generation and co-generation projects in industrial and mining systems
- Cost analysis of electric power generation projects
- Selection of optimal alternatives for the development, modernization or expansion of energy production
- Analysis of basic financing and structuring schemes for energy projects
- Risk engineering associated with the energy and industrial sector
- Operations research applied to electrical sector problems, resource planning and transportation problems
Energy or investment studies in the sector
- Design, development and implementation of automated tools to support analysis and decision-making processes.
- Support for valuation and sale processes for energy projects and assets
- Due diligence for energy studies and projects
- Operational and repowering analysis of plants and generation assets